
Writer in Residence - Refilling your Creative Well

We hope you'll join Boise City Writer-in-Residence Heidi Kraay on July 10 at the Library! at Hillcrest (5246 W. Overland Rd.) for "Refilling Your Creative Well: Session 4.”

In these workshops for writers and artists across disciplines, participants will explore new pathways for refilling their creative wells, renewing artistic energy, and reawakening their wild spirits within.

Session 4 invites participants to consider the conflicts that haunt them. Heidi will guide participants through a series of writing, reflection, and movement exercises that explore – and perhaps bridge – the gaps between those divisions. There will be invitations to be still, to be present in the body, and to move slowly. During this time, the group will consider how resting can expand our practice, awareness, and possibilities – and how it’s good for its own sake. 

“Refilling Your Creative Well” is a six-part workshop series in which each session connects and builds upon each other and can be attended as either progressive or singular experiences.

No registration is required to participate, but space is limited. This workshop is geared toward adults. As mature content may be discussed, parental discretion is advised for participants under 18. Please bring writing materials, such as a notebook and pen.


Wednesday, July 10, 2024
6:00pm - 7:45pm
Butte Room
Library! at Hillcrest - 5246 W. Overland Rd. Boise, ID 83705
  3. Teens (12-17)     4. Adults (18 & Over)  


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